It's no secret that I want to be a pilot, I talked a lot about it with others. So, I found out Malaysia Airlines has opened their cadet pilot programme for young and enthusiast people like me (haha). Basically about the programme is they will sponsor you to train as a pilot then you will be bonded for 15 years with the company.
Having heard a lot of bad stories about bad stories about POS Malaysia, I decided to take action into my own hand, NO ! I'm not gonna go and burn the POS office. Instead, I'm going to send my application straight to the Malaysia Airlines office.

After I was given this visitor pass, I made a dumb mistake.
Me : Building yang mane satu ? (with fake semenanjung slang)
Security : Di hujung sekali di sebelah kanan.
Me : Di tingkat berape ?
S : Ermm.. (a moment of silence).
Obviously I've already written clearly on my application form the address which is on the 2nd floor. A BIG duh~
Inside the office, I kept my DSLR inside the bag at all times, so that they won't freak out and kick my butt out of their office before I managed to send in my application. Time for the old sexy V3 phone in action.