One fine day, as I was checking my mail, suddenly I came across an e-mail from Visa Card / Msn International Mega Jackpot..
What's that ? I've won 500,000 Great Britain Pounds. My goodness.. I'm RICH ! And to think that I didn't even own a Visa card. So, I just have to fill in a few details about myself..
NAME: Mr.David Fernando
Visa Card® / Msn® Promotion Department
Do email the above Claims Administrator, at once with all the claims
requirements below.To avoid unnecessary delay.They are needed to proceed.
Claims Requirements:
1. Full Name: Lawrence The Great
2. Address: Beside Paris Hilton's house, Beverly Hills 90210, US of A.
3. Nationality: Earth
Sex: 10 (if you watched Mr. & Mrs. Smith you'll get this..)
4. Age: 18
Date of Birth: 31st Feb 1887
5. Occupation: FBI secret agent, bedroom rockstar
Martial Status: SYL (single, young & loving)
6. Cell Phone: 010-001010011
7. State of Origin: Sabah bah..
Country: Boleh land
8.Winning No: No. ONE
Email Ref No: I know nothing about this.. YOU tell me..
Kindly indicate your payment option and Contact the Claims Administrator
with all your claims requirements well filled @
*Mode of Payment*
(i).Bank Transfer
(ii).Delivery of Prepaid Visa card® Valued 500,000.00GBP by a registered
Courier Company.
Secretary,(Mrs.Dora Lazmon)
Visa Card® / Msn® Mega Jackpot
2008 - 2009 Microsoft Corporation.All rights reserved
So, the Visa Card company don't even have their own email address ? I mean the multi-national credit card company have to sign up with hotmail for a free email address ? What the fish..
Ok.. this is obviously a scam.. And I feel like making fun of this thing while at the same time, teach all the innocent people out there who thought there is such thing as "free lunch" in this world.. As much as I want to send this "Winning claim" to them and see what are they gonna reply me, but I got many things to get busy with such as assignments, and practicing the songs for prom night. Oh, me with my unimates might perform at proms which ironically is other uni's prom night. Don't worry, we will not play my song.. haha..
you should send that to the company..
Haha.. Wanted to, but then busy lah.. somemore cut off the suck-com 3g already.. haha..
YSL lar bRO..not syL
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