Another 365 days has just passed, and looking back it feels like the time is like a jetplane carrying all the memories away and move away really fast..
I'm gonna be 22 in 2009, yet I still feel like a kid, buying some sweets and pisang goreng by the road side..
Looking back at 2008, there are loads of things that I've done and even more things that I haven't done.. yet. But the journey continues, it never stops..
Along the journey, I've encountered loads of things that sometimes shocking..
Sometimes rewarding..
While along the journey, I've also met loads of new people..
Wrote my own song..
From now on, for the new year, everyone deserves a new start, and there is only one way..
To chase my dream..
To learn to take risk, even though I'll get hurt in the process..
Or get busted..
But I believe in the end, the journey is the destination..
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